I take great pride in having the opportunity to welcome our new students! I hope you guys have a rewarding and valuable college experience. I'm sure you'll you achieve milestones as the year progresses.

Are you ready to start learning about a culture you're interested in? Or do you like having real conversations and want to practice your foreign language skills? Come one, come all! Our Foreign Teachers' Office is located in room 327 on the third floor of the administration building. We can't wait to see everyone. :)

Once again, I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Don't forget to take full advantage of the amazing opportunities that abound at CUIT. Last but not least, always remember to keep an open mind, find your true passion and never lose a holy curiosity!


Welcome to Chengdu University of Information Technology. What a fantastic feeling to begin anew, to make friends, to broaden new and old interests, and to survey your horizons. The fruit of your labor is yours to shape, and from this perspective, I encourage you to seize your education! Take hold of your future in the coming years. Question what motivates you, and follow the indications that will lead to your ambitions. Though the many dimensions of life may seem overwhelming at times, always know that you count for someone. Your roommates, classmates, and even you teachers may start to feel like a second family, and we're here to help. All you need to do is ask.

If you are interested in contacting the foreign teachers, our lovely office is on the third floor of the administration building, room 327. You're welcome to come and play social and board games, do art, read books, study in a quiet space, or chat with the teachers. We'd love to practice speaking English with you, and sometimes we even have extra treats on our desks. We hope you help yourself. :)

Also, don't forget the many other spaces in and around campus for you to check out. There's a café on the second floor of the teaching building, some cafés and delicious restaurants outside the west university gate, and the library with a nice lounging area in the back of the first floor. If you want to spend a quiet weekend away, I recommend exploring the many parks of Chengdu, which outline the city's ancient history and are green spaces away from the bustle of crowds.

So live life, get your hands dirty, and make the most of your time at CUIT. I wish you all the best here and wherever you may go.



  • 电话:028-85966899 028-85966490 | 邮箱:wsb@cuit.edu.cn
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